HaModiah 11-04-10
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)...dub Me'arat HaMachpelah and Kever Rachel "Palestinian".
In a 44-1 vote with 12 abstentions, the Paris based UNESCO Executive Board declared the "Haram al-Ibraham/Cave of the Patriarchs and Bilal bin Rabah Mosque/Rachel's Tomb" to be "an integral part of the occupied Palestinian territories."
The move is seen in some quarters as a response to Israel's decision in February 2010 to include these sites on a list of national heritage sites that would receive additional funding for refurbishing and for the development of educational tours.
"If the places where the fathers and mothers of the Jewish nation - Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, Rivkah, Leah and Rachel - were buried some 4,000 years ago are not part of the Jewish heritage, then what is?" asked Netanyahu.
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